Thursday Thirteen


Thirteen Things Going On In My Life

  1. I’ve been working a lot.
  2. My kids are back in school. Woot!
  3. I’ve been writing a book I really love. It’s a–brace yourself–CATEGORY!!! LOL
  4. I’m reading Caressed By Ice by Nalini Singh. Next up is Born To Be Wilde by Janelle Denison.
  5. I HEART Karen S. She so rocks.
  6. I’ve found that my online friends are some of the best ones in the entire universe. Smooches!
  7. I’m watching tennis–the US Open. I’m bummed that James Blake is already out of it. Sigh. He is SO hot.
  8. I’m worried about my dad. A lot. He’s not feeling so well lately. So many things going on there. Sigh.
  9. My oldest son is a Senior in high school this year. God.
  10. My youngest son will be taking driver’s ed in a couple months. God again!
  11. After I read the books in #5, I will be reading the Tara Janzen books and Suzanne Brockmann books that have been on my shelves for a LONG time.
  12. I blog every Friday over on The Bradford Bunch. You should stop by.
  13. Have I mentioned that my kids are back in school and I’m enjoying the peace and quiet? Heh heh.

11 Responses to “Thursday Thirteen”

  1. N.J. Walters Says:

    You’ve been busy! Good luck with your category romance. 🙂

  2. Lesley Says:

    I hope your dad gets to feeling better and that you survive your little ones growing up! Mine is two…I really just can’t fathom him ever driving!!!

  3. Ann Says:

    I hope your dad feels better soon, and congrats on the peace and quiet. Good luck with the Category. 🙂

  4. Jennifer B Says:

    I can sense that peace and quiet all the way over here. LOL Enjoy…and take the time to think and feel.

    Keeping your Dad in my thoughts.

  5. Moondancer Drake Says:

    Isn’t it so nice with the kids in school? (Moon closes her eyes and soaks in the silence)

  6. Karen Scott Says:

    Back at ya babe!

  7. Mechele Armstrong Says:

    Good luck with the category. And hope your dad feels better soon. It’s always worrisome when parents get under the weather.

  8. rhian Says:

    is that a new Denison Wilde story or one of the older ones? can’t remember all the book anmes but loved them Wilde boys!

  9. Marissa Says:

    Rhian- It’s a new one. From the excerpt I read it looks really GREAT!

  10. jenleeland Says:

    Yayyyyy the kids are back in school!!! I can relate! A category? Which one?

  11. Marissa Says:

    Thanks everyone. Yeppers, category. It’s targeted toward SSE (SILHOUETTE SPECIAL EDITION), though can easily be made into a SD (SILHOUETTE DESIRE) if need be. If it doesn’t sell, I can always expand it into a single title, but right now, it “feels” like a category. And I’m LOVING IT!

    Thanks for the well wishes on my dad. I appreciate it. And thanks too for the luck with the category. 🙂

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